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Showing posts from June, 2016

An Open Letter to the Criticisms about Activism

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum w.b.t Because giving an-empty forgiveness won’t give any benefits nor make them ponder as well, I was called to write this open letter, just to respond to their concerned thoughts. I have to say thank you for your question, deep from my heart. Somehow people can learn through it and reshape the way of our students of social responsibility. First and foremost, before getting into my points, there is one thing to fix here. That is attitude. We as human being, have no capability of knowing everything, the whole activity of a person does in their daily life. Because we merely don’t know, we should not make any deductions based on our own judgement, which we have no ideas what is it about. Deciding on our own, to just throw words that satisfy us, that is childish. A warm conversation would be the best solution for us not to fall into any fallacy, which the actions of believe what we don’t understand, can cause subsequent consequences especially in this ...

Ruqyah and What Western Says

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum w.b.t   I would like to share my part of writing for English subject. So here is it :            Ruqyah is a word in Arabic with meaning “spell, charm and incantation”. It also brings meaning of enchanting, bewitching, or of being armed against baleful, maleficience or sorcery. In Muslim world, Ruqyah is another type of Exorcism that Muslims conduct. It is   the recitation of specific and choosen al-Quran verses, a method of supplication and rememberance to treat sickness especially ailments that are related to mental illness, djin affliction, devil’s eyes, black magic and possession.             Nowadays, Ruqyah treatment is an alternative for modern medical if the patients that are being treated, have a normal diagnosis result but they are actually very sick. We can see this is being applied in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Kubang Kerian campus, or well...

Breathing somewhere in Konya

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum w.b.t Alhamdolellah, today I have finally come to an end of my first year as a university student. Since two days ago, I thought of writing about one of my 'virtual experience' in somewhere like Konya. (Well I can't really say it is but it seems so) Actually, on this 18-24 August, Insha Allah there will be another International Youth Gathering that will be held in Ankara-Konya. The moment that I recalled name of 'Konya', it felt really familiar. A fine morning, scenery of craggy rocks with murky clouds of dim azulejo. But, still there was stray bright sunlight penetrating the atmosphere that it reached the floor of this old-residency of living things, the Earth. Fresh smell of dews from the ground showed that it was in  very early morning that they still not dry. While I was wearing a long dark shirt, embraced myself with a light tone, thick winter coat and dull colour of blue jeans. Sporty shoes and in that short 'virtual experie...

Borang kaji selidik berkenaan Pendedahan tentang Islamic Worldview di kalangan mahasiswa-mahasiswi USIM

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum w.b.t Alhamdolellah, selesai sudah paper kedua terakhir saya pada sem ini. Semalam jam 3.00 pagi, saya telah disuntik kembali dengan  pesanan para senior PPIK berkenaan kelansungan aktivisme terutamanya dalam niche intelektualisme. Kerana saya sudah merasakan peritnya mempunyai pelbagai persoalan yang tidak mampu dijawab oleh rakan-rakan di USIM, kata mereka, saya memerlukan guru untuk memandu dan menjawab getusan-getusan dhihin ini. Makanya, ini saya bawakan borang kaji selidik untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pendedahan Islamic Worldview di kalangan mahasiswa-mahasiswi USIM, iaitu tempat di mana saya sendiri melanjutkan pelajaran. Aspek ini cukup penting untuk difahami secara fardhiyyah kerana pengajian berkenaan Pandang Alam Islam ini luas dan menyediakan asas faham agama yang kukuh bagi melahirkan seorang Muslim yang teguh jati dirinya, tajam aqalnya dan bebas daripada tempias-tempias sekularisme. Para pembaca yang dirahmati Allah boleh klik pad...

Small dreams of Fretting Young Lady

Bismillah. In this land of Chaos Chirping birds wake up Playing harmonic tones of paradise Of how they can freely fly Without any agony and despair I have describe a very brief, short of my heart piercing. Hearts roaring and I know this is not the way of life that I would like to lead. Whenever I talk about this current path, it's just an empty feeling as I don't feel any excitement. God knows, this desire of mine to believe that I will be just fine, continuing and see the end, I am fighting until I felt sore. I just hope that I will not reach my breaking point and shatters. Some say that what I dream of is just that flying too high, not concious of reality and rebelling too much. Yes, I do. Maybe this is just immaturity of this young lady. Those unreachable dreams always seem to just appear in my sleep which are unforgettable for me. Waking up happily but then I realized that it is just a dream. Signs of longing. And sighing silently. Muttering that its hurt me ...